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We understand that visiting a church for the first time can be an intimidating and awkward experience.  But knowing a little about what to expect can help set one’s mind at ease — and perhaps even lead to a more meaningful and enjoyable encounter.  So, here we’ve tried to answer some common questions, but if you have others, please don’t hesitate to contact the church office by calling 256-249-0362, or ask a greeter upon your arrival.


What should I wear?

We often refer to ourselves as “casual traditional.”  Some people enjoy dressing up for church.  Others prefer jeans and a t-shirt. Either is fine or anywhere in between.  We just want you to feel comfortable worshiping with us.


Where should I park?

We have specially designated “Guests” parking spaces but feel free to park anywhere.  Our main entrance doors will be open with greeters to welcome you and direct you to where you want to go.    


Where do I go?

If you are visiting with us for the first time, the simplest option is for you to come directly to the Sanctuary.  Follow the signs and/or people to worship - and please don't hesitate to ask someone for directions. 


Are children welcome in worship?  

Children’s Worship is an important part of their faith growth and they are always welcome in all of our church services.  Even when the Holy Spirit blesses them with wiggly feet, hands, or mouths - they are a symbol of God's love and a reminder we are all children of God. 


Will I be recognized during the service as a visitor?  

You will not be asked to stand up or to wear a red ribbon, but you may be greeted and welcomed by any number of our church family. We do register our attendance using pew pads. If you would like to leave your contact information with an usher, you might receive additional information from our church, a note during the week or possibly a phone call or personal visit welcoming you back.


Can I participate in Holy Communion?

The table of Holy Communion does not belong to a particular church or group - it's the Lord's Table.  We practice open communion, meaning that you do not need to be a Methodist or a member of Sylacauga First UMC to receive the bread and unfermented wine (grape juice).  Jesus Christ invites all that earnestly repent of their sins and seek a closer relationship with God to the Lord's Table.  Communion is served on the first Sunday of the month in the Sanctuary.


Do I have to join your church?

No, you do not have to join. You are always welcome to worship among us, participate in any of our activities and attend any of our study groups.  We provide information to help you learn more about Sylacauga First UMC, and we encourage you to speak to one of our ministers if you would like more information about our church and how to join.  Membership is a choice and commitment which we want you to make only when the time is right for you.  You can become a member by Baptism and Profession of Faith, or by Transfer from another United Methodist Church or another denomination. We believe that the Holy Spirit works within other churches and if you have previously been baptized we do not “re-baptize” you.                                                                                                                                 

How do I get there?  

Our address is listed below.  Open on your phone or device to receive turn-by-turn instructions.  If you have any questions, you can always call the church office.


What are your Service Times?

Sunday Mornings

9:00 am--Sunday School/Gathering

10:00 am-Worship


Wednesday Evenings 

5:30pm - 7:00pm - Youth Group, Children's Programs, Choir, Family Ministries Programs

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