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Join the fun the second Wednesday of each month from 5:30pm-7:00pm
All ages are invited!
Messy Church is a monthly worship service. Each service is a fluid experience with activities; a celebration time of songs, prayer, & storytelling; and a meal together - all focused around one theme or biblical story
It's church, but not as you know it!
Family Fall Festival 2023

Ann Marie Pipkin - Messy Church Coordinator
Donalyn Wilkinson - Family Fun Coordinator
Cassey Brown - Children's Breakout Groups and Children's Church Leader
Our children's ministry team is dedicated to developing fun, creative, and safe spaces for children to connect with one another and with God.
Our four-fold Wednesday evening family-ministry programming looks like this:
Messy Church (All Ages) - one Wednesday per month
Family Fun Nights - one Wednesday per month
Age-appropriate Breakout Groups - two Wednesdays per month
(All Wednesday evening programming is from 5:30pm-7:00pm)​
The children also have fun events throughout the year like an Easter Egg Hunt and a Family Fall Festival.
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